
Too many necklaces

It would be quite funny to wear them all at once, don’t you think :p?
These are just a couple of the necklaces I’ve got.. I’ve got like 40 of them. And I almost never wear them.

Then, why would I have so many necklaces? Well, every single one has his own story.. Too bad one of my favorites is not on this picture. It’s a medallion with a little clock inside: not really special for just a random person, but very special for me. It makes a sound that calms me down when I’m really upset. All I have to do is listening really carefully for a couple of minutes. It really works.

My other favorite one is the little heart below that huge one, next to the dolphins. Why do I love that little ugly chain? Well, just because I don’t know where I did get it. I never bought it or got it as a present, I just have had it always. That makes it kind of special.

So, if someone would steal my jewelry, I would really beg that person; take everything that’s made of silver, take everything that’s made of gold, take everything you think it’s worth a lot: just don’t take the medallion and that little heart.

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