

If you want to know how somebody is like, you could ask him or her the following questions:
1) What are you hobbies?
2) What is your favourite colour?
3) What is your favourite animal?
4) Do you have any siblings?

The answers will probably be something like ‘reading’, ‘red’ ‘dog’ and ‘no’. Not really enough words for a real conversation! So next time you meet someone, ask him or her the following questions:
1) Do you believe in god? Why?
2) How do you think the earth was created?
3) When did you cry for the last time, and why?
4) What or who makes you smile?
5) What is your view on war?
6) Why is red (not) your favourite colour?
7) Why are elephants grey?

Now you’ve got a real conversation. You can expect answers like: ‘Not really, there probably is something out there, but it’s not like the god they talk about in churches. He didn’t create earth and everything around us in six days, I don’t believe that, it’s nonsense. But maybe there is some kind of power watching over us. Who knows. So, the earth is not created the way the bible sais it is. It was just a big bang thing and slam, life was created. I dunno. Last time I cried was last week, cause my best friend moved from this city to a faraway village. I’m gonna miss her… My friends really make me smile! We are always making jokes, but when something gets really important to one of us, we can also be very quiet and understanding. War is needful, sometimes, but it is a bad thing. So many people get killed. Red is not my favourite colour cause purple is much more beautiful! And elephants are grey because if they were brown, you can’t find them in your chocolate pudding.'

See? A lot more words than the first ones, even if you only count the first four of each cause there are only four questions in the first one. And the second one is more fun. So: try it :p!

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